martes, 9 de abril de 2019

Man plays an elephant's magic flute that instantly starts dancing

"I hope you like my flute," says Michael Telapary as he stands in front of several huge animals. Elephants and camels are roaming, and two elephants in particular seem curious by the man standing near his enclosure holding a wooden flute reminiscent of a magical flute from a fairy tale. It turns out that Michael holds a Native American type of flute and plans to play it for his animal "audience".
Michael is a Dutch musician specializing in Native American flutes. He has played all over the world and has made albums with this beautiful music. But being in front of these animals, I can not help but wonder if they even notice that it is touching.
Do animals understand music? Some people think so. According to the National Geographic news, some animals, like humpback whales, make music and could even understand music in a way similar to humans. "Biomusicólogos debate that they are not only sounds that please some animals, but also they compose in the same musical language that the humans use".
If the animals can understand and even compose their own music, then it seems that they could dance too. Often, when music plays, we can not help but move to the rhythm of the melody, and maybe the animals have the same reaction.
Whether scientifically proven or not, the elephant in this video seems to react to the beautiful and magically relaxing notes that Michael plays on his flute. The elephant moves back and forth to the rhythm, as if it were dancing the notes. Then there seems to be a 
spiritual connection between Michael and the elephant, while both enjoy the music of the flute.
Watch the amazing reaction of the elephant in the video below!
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Man observes bear entering his garden. But the drink that decides to take this very out of the ordinary.

I have a large garden. A really large garden, with a lot of grass, a long orchard, trees and shrubs and hedges that limit the bottom. Some of the trees are so large and so wide that it would take 5 people to wrap them with outstretched arms. Let's say that my garden is a mini forest. And like any forest, we know that in it live ... all kinds of creatures! You never know what you can discover in nature, and so it was that Snow White stumbled across the seven dwarves, right?
While I know for a fact that there are no little magical little men living in the bushes of my garden, I have seen all kinds of urban fauna, such as opossums, deer, raccoons, squirrels and even a snowy white owl! I've never seen a bear (you have to live on the edge of the city to see one of those where I live), but I have no doubt that others who live closer to forests could see one. Mar Hough of Altadena, California, had a lawsuit with a bear, but there was something quite unusual about it.
When I think of watching a bear, I imagine a big old bear, hungry, dangerous and looking for his next meal. I imagine moments like the scene of the bear in Revenant: The Reborn, where Leonardo DiCaprio is shaken, caught in the jaws of the ferocious beast. That's what comes to mind, not what Mark saw happen on a quiet, sunny afternoon.
Mark was at home on a particularly hot day, when suddenly a brown bear came swaying into his garden. The curious animal walked around the property a little when Mark noticed that the bear was lifting a piece of margarita and drinking it! But the bear wanted more fun.
So he continued to investigate the area when he saw a perfect well to swim, the owner's cold Jacuzzi, which was on. The bear lost no time to get into it and get comfortable, and one hot day, who would not? Whether the bear thought the jets reminiscent of river currents or simply enjoyed his impromptu spa day, no doubt that this bear is an animal that likes to have a good time; and he had such a good time at his party that, after all the emotions, he threw himself to take a nap under a nearby oak tree, and the day was over!
Click below to see this funny bear do what he wants. I think not all bears are so big and scary and they want to eat me!

Black cat can not stop staring at the photo of a naval officer. Then mom gathers the pieces and understands.

I have had a cat for 16 years. It was the most loving and sweet creature in the world. We shared a beautiful bond, we got along wonderfully well, and we shared our energy and our love. We just connect. I was his human, and she was my cat.
I know what it's like to forge a solid bond with a pussycat, and I know it's mutual. As in this story about Max and his mom, Erin, who found her cat Yuuki in a shelter. The moment he met her, he knew that she was the one to take home.
From the first moment, Max and Yukki were inseparable. She always fell asleep in her lap, or snuggled close to her head in bed during the night. He had really found his human and had fallen in love. Erin said: "Max always felt the connection with any animal that was nearby. It is a charm.
Just six months after the adoption, Max had to leave the house to serve in the army his first year in the US Navy. And when he left, Yuuki no longer seemed herself. He slowed down, his body language was sad and his energy levels seemed to be dropping. It really seemed that the cat missed Max, and was in a state of confusion and sadness.
It was when Erin caught Yukki staring at a framed picture of Max that she began to think that the cat was desolate. It could have been a one-time thing, though, so Erin changed the photo instead. But the cat found her and did the same thing again. He jumped close to the photograph and looked at it closely, throwing some small meows and looking sad.
"He just sits there, stares at him, meows and then lies down next to the picture to take a nap. I know positively that I miss him, "says Erin. Luckily for Yukki, he was able to accompany the family to see Max, and so he was able to meet and have a nice reunion. And as much as Yukki loves Max, Max also really loves Yukki. "My son worries that she does not remember him," Erin continues. "It gives me consolation to know that it does, and it's nice to have this test to prove it to you."
Click below to see this sweet moment when Yukki stares at Max's photo.

3 hombres están perplejos cuando perro sale del bosque persiguiendo un oso bebé

Siempre es divertido para mí divisar un animal nuevo, y tacharlo de mi larga lista de animales a ver. Recuerdo la primera vez que vi un búho nevado. Estaba extasiada. Es una criatura de una belleza majestuosa. También recuerdo la primera vez que vi un oso, otra criatura asombrosa, ¡pero mucho más aterradora! Estaba conduciendo por Alaska y vi a uno cachorro a un lado del camino. Quise acercarme un poco subiéndome al techo del automóvil (¡¡¡no había manera en que fuera a salir de él!!!) pero normalmente cuando hay un bebé solo, mamá no está muy lejos. Y por muy hermosa que esta criatura fuese, ¡no quise arriesgarme!
Así que puedo comprender totalmente la mirada de completa confusión y desconcierto de estos tres hombres que de pronto se encuentran con una escena tan extraña… ¡un perro que sale dramáticamente de la espesura persiguiendo a un oso!
En un camino desierto a través de la espesa naturaleza de Surgut, Rusia, tres hombres de pie cerca de su auto tuvieron un verdadero espectáculo. Mientras están holgazaneando por allí ocupándose de sus propios asuntos, un adorable oso pardo surge de la espesura y comienza a correr por el camino. Tiene una carita adorable, con grandes orejas y se bambolea como sólo los osos lo hacen. Hacia dónde va es lo que todos se preguntan, pero lo que sucede a continuación es de lo más intrigante.
¡Segundos después, un chucho callejero aparece saliendo del bosque! Surge repentinamente de la espesura y se dirige derecho al oso, ladrando como loco. Pero no parece que el perro esté persiguiendo al oso para atraparlo. Es mucho más juguetón y alegre. Cuando el oso comprende que el perro está detrás de él, cambian de dirección, y ahora es el oso quien juguetonamente persigue al perro. Parecen amigos en una cita de juegos, no enemigos buscando atacarse mutuamente.
¡Es ese cambio de dirección es lo que sorprende a los tres hombres! De pronto, la conmoción se dirige derecho a ellos, y mientras que el perro no es muy aterrador, el oso viene tras él, y es un poco más abrumador. Los tres hombres pegan un salto y corren a subirse a su auto! El oso se lanza hacia el bosque, y los dos amigos se esfuman.
El video cambia la perspectiva, pero el sentimiento es obvio. Estos poco probables personajes se encontraron uno al otro y forjaron una adorable y divertida amistad. ¡Quién sabe cuánto durará, pero sin duda que dieron a estos testigos algo para contar en casa!
Haz clic abajo para ver este extraño suceso. ¡Qué raro ser testigo de algo así!
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